No matter what kind of IT system, no matter what kind of people it is for, the most common function in the system is "error reporting", and many friends may say that error reporting is so easy! Which needs special discussion. After in-depth product design, I have experienced the time to design a product from 0 to 1. You will surely find out. Error reporting is far from simple. The error reporting system involves many problems. For example, the standardization of error reporting content, the best error reporting style experience, the self-solving rate of error reporting solutions, the problem of error reporting converters, and so on. Error reporting requires systematic product design.
Especially some TO B products. Because the business is complex, the industry is professional, the docking is frequent, and the investment is effective. A set of excellent error reporting design modules is needed more. 2. Background Analysis: What Bad Error Reporting Designs First of all, we need to do a background analysis of the error reporting module. Focusing on b2b data the business form of error reporting, we can analyze the bad points that often occur. Deduce from the background what kind of error reporting product we need. 1. The problem of bad content of the error report: the location of the error report is unknown, the content of the error report is professional in Thailand,
the content of the error report and the reason are one-to-many Many TO B products have very complex business, many external system interfaces, and more professional industries. Therefore, at the error reporting level, the content of the error report is often too professional. Such as banking system, financial system, supply chain system, etc.; Then there are also cases where the content of the error report is unclear, for example, the location and the reason are unknown. Another bad situation is that there is a one-to-many situation between the content of the error report and the reason for the error report. For example, the content of the error report is "insufficient budget,